HomePrintingWax Seal | No.1 Red Wax Seal Maker in Dubai

We make Red Wax Seals that engraved in brass heads attached with rosewood handle. It comes in circle shape, size of 25 mm and 30 mm diameter. Personalize your wax seals and add a touch of elegance and creativity. To order one for you contact us today.

How to make custom wax seal?

  • Send us your design if you have one
  • or tell us what you want to make as wax seal so we can design it for you
  • Get a quote for wax seal
  • Once you approved on design & quote we will make the seal and send you
  • You can pay by cash on delivery or by PayPal.

Order a Red Wax Seal

Threeyem.com wants to keep the timeless practice of traditional wax sealing on letters, certificates, tender documents alive even in 21st century. Make your mark to the elegance and tradition with a wax seal that lends authenticity and flair to all your correspondence, invitations and creative gift packaging.

Wax Seal traditionally used to certify the validity and has served as a stamp of indisputable authenticity of the contents of a document, such as indentures, proclamations, or legal agreements. Wax Seals were also used to literally “seal” private letters. Red Wax Seals are designed for two things: to take an accurate, very detailed impression from a seal, and to be fragile and brittle so that it would crack and break off a sealed document in the event of any tampering whatsoever.
